Credits to Cloe Mak (Jujucloe)
Curious about the process of micro‑blading and what it feels like? Here’s a beginner’s guide to eyebrow embroidery.

NO. 1
Our Biggest Mistake
If you’d ask me what one of my biggest regrets in the past, my answer would be destroying my eyebrows at the age of 15.
I’m sure some of us (including myself), suffered at the hands of not someone, but yourself. To get a perfect brow shape, either you’re blessed with nicely shaped brows since birth or you have a really good pair of tweezers, whilst being a skilled brow expert.
Others are born with sparse brows, and have to deal with brow loss due to excessive plucking or too much exposure to cosmetics or other harsh chemicals.

NO. 2
Filling Up The Empty Spaces
No one has ever shared with me that my brows were too lightly colored (almost not visible) when I was in my early 20s. Not until I found @highbrowsg, who has helped me regain so much confidence in myself and drastically changed my life, after getting my brow embroidery done. This procedure is perfect for someone who wants to touch up your brow shape and fill up the empty ‘spaces’ or change a completely different brow shape.

NO. 3
Different Brow Techniques
Eyebrow embroidery is a kind of cosmetic procedure that applies pigment in the brow area to mimic the appearance of natural brow strands. Over the years, eyebrow embroidery techniques have evolved drastically (from 2D to 7D). The newer techniques use finer blades to draw on lighter and more defined brows. Making the final result a realistic, natural-looking pair of brows that no one can even tell it’s drawn on.

NO. 4
What To Look Out For
Make sure to do thorough research on a brow salon with the best ambiance that you would feel comfortable in. Present a few photo references and selfies of how you normally style your brows or prefer so that your brow technician can have a better gauge of the design you want. I shared with my brow beautician, Andy (with an experience of 20 years) my preferred kind of brows, that is straighter looking brows, and natural. Andy suggested I do the best Brow Enliven ‑ strand by strand (7D).

NO. 5
Pain Tolerance
Before beginning the embroidery, your brow technician will apply numbing cream all over your eyebrows to minimize the pain. According to most people who have undergone eyebrow embroidery before, it feels just like threading or tweezing. There may be slight discomfort for first-timers, not the most pleasant of sensations, but certainly a bearable level of pain!). The whole process took me about 1.5‑2 hours depending on what brow technique you’re going for, and how your brow looks!

NO. 6
Post‑Brow Embroidery
Highbrow also provides aftercare treatment (chargeable) that you can use for daytime and nighttime use.

NO. 7
Is Brow Embroidery Worth The Investment?
If you live a busy hectic lifestyle, undergoing a brow embroidery procedure will help in saving a significant amount of time fixing your makeup. The good thing about brow embroidery is that if it is maintained properly, its shape may stay for at least two years or more. They only need to do some follow‑up treatments to keep the pigments from fading fast.

NO. 8
Will You Return?
If you ask me if I’d do it all over again the next time, I would say yes! I personally feel that brows are one of the most important facial features. It improves your personality and builds confidence within you. They not only frame your face, it change the rest of your facial features looks.